It is essential that theatre writers know their rights which the Dramatists Guild has defended for over 100 years.
Playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists often struggle professionally in theatres throughout the country, and even on Broadway, due to the wide-ranging demands and expectations imposed on them by their producers (and other collaborators) which are presented as “standard” terms. It is essential, therefore, that dramatists know their rights, which the Dramatists Guild established in 1926 and has defended ever since. "

Project brief: Connect with our diverse audience of theatre writers. Uphold and innovate on The Dramatist's Guild brand identity. Evergreen contemporary styling that is replicable across category of communication intent.   
The Dramatists Guild Presents Talkback Podcast

The Dramatists Guild Presents: Talkback is a podcast for every playwright, composer, lyricist, librettist, or theatre fan who wants to pull back the curtain to discover the highs and lows of what it means to create theatre and foster community in the complex landscape of American storytelling. Over the course of five seasons, host Christine Toy Johnson and her industry colleagues delve into in-depth conversations about the intricate facets of navigating and sustaining a life in a theatre that strives to make room for everyone.
Project brief: Develop and innovate the brand identity of season 4 of the podcast(subsequently 5-6) Push focus on the face of the writers participating. Contemporary and evergreen design that is replicable across platforms and intent. 
Season 4-5 progressively focusses on the drama and even more focus on the participating writer. Omni-channel campaign, including both static and dynamic content types. 

Banned Together: An Anti-Censorship Theatre Podcast

"...The right to free speech is being threatened, now more than ever; schools, libraries, religious organizations, and other community groups are banning books, plays, and musicals for purely partisan reasons. The Dramatists Legal Defense Fund (DLDF) and The Dramatists Guild of America announces the second edition of Banned Together: An Anti-Censorship Cabaret Theatre Podcast.
To raise awareness regarding the societal dangers of censorship in the theatre industry, and at large, the Dramatists Guild will be presenting the first annual Banned Theatre Week from November 6 through November 12, 2023. Just as Banned Books Week calls out the perils of censoring books, Banned Theatre Week will address the dire consequences that can arise from banning plays and musicals. 
Banned Together is an initiative that the DLDF began in 2016. When theatrical works are banned in one community – whether removed from a classroom, a library shelf, or a stage- it is a constitutional infringement upon the opportunities, livelihoods, and rights of dramatists, including playwrights, composers, lyricists, and librettists everywhere..." -
The Dramatist Magazine (Social graphics)
The Dramatists Legal Defense Fund

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